Thursday, December 27, 2018

Quantico Update


Well I have finally finished Quantico. I am thinking about changing the name to Totem because the last part is about the immortal home world call Totem in the book. It became more complex than I had envisioned because I added more immortals to the mix. I also decided to tie in this book and all of my books together and make an immortal series. Some of the characters in this book will appear in the other books as well. While I have to add more scenery and animate these characters the books is at 80,000 words. A book between 80,000 and 100,000 words is a good book.  I might workshop it as well at one of the big publishers.  One should not rush a a book. I am going to start writing full time on Teen Droid next.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Corporate Takeover

Corporate Takeover-Drama (2006 WGA) 1261167
Corporate takeover is a high stakes game of corporate business, where billionaires wage war on each other in the media, boardroom, and through the stock market. An American lawyer acquires businesses and rips them apart for a living, but she’s caught off her game when she meets a British rival across the pond who turns the tables on her.

Alexander And The Insects

Alexander made insects impervious to aging and disease, but what if he made them the carriers. Kristen Grigori knew Alexandra Steele could help her. Alexandra was known to all as the Mistress of Aging. Alexandra had patents for the hypothalamus nano-implant and six nuero protectors, that everyone now needed. No one could stop her. The robotics industry tried, but she bought them out. She was a brilliant scientist who hated aging. It was not uncommon to see her in different times and dimensions. Yet she swore she was not an immortal. She tried to move in silence.  it sometimes did not work, but did sometimes.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

David Golem

David Golem was Jewish born of two Jews. He was orphaned from the age of two. His parents died in what was a suspicious car wreck. David was eight years old and had knowledge of the ages. Jesus America looked at him and smiled. He sometimes was overwhelmed, he thought he needed a nanny. He sometimes wondered how he would make it and why he was tasked with the care of these children. Then he knew why. They were all miraculous, powerful, and unique. Andrew had pure DNA and both his parents of the House of David. How this was known, he did not know or wanted to know. These immortals usually had more than one secret power. He knew of all the religions and knew enough to fear them. Jesus America had to hide David from those who knew and did not know. This was his destiny.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Children

      These children had an essence deep within them that was very ancient, wise, and most of the time it could be dangerous. This was why they were with Jesus America. This essence fueled them, and they did not know how to control its strength. It was as if they were from past lives. Something very ancient and old stirred in the depths of each one of them yet unique in itself, and them at the same time. It was something different from anyone else in their perspective families, it had its own life.

Skylar West

Stratosphere 2004-Action, Adventure Sci-Fi

WGA NO:1023931

A pilot becomes trapped in the layers of earth's atmospheres.


Captain Skylar West had been commissioned to escort the Palamedes in the Phoenix across the US.  The heat flux core exploded and hurled the Phoenix 200 years into the future.  The atmospheres in this time are permanently dilated from the damage caused by her ship years earlier.  The Libertas government vowed to bring her to justice, and the fleet pursued West through every inch of the atmosphere.  West struggled to bring her crew back to their time.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Alex 'Starlight' Mbogo

   Star was the youngest of the immortals. She was a runt when Jesus America found her she was also the most important. She had Hannibal’s blood coursing through her veins. In a world of infertile females she was valuable. Pure born were rare and non-existent, and the rare were also valuable. She was hidden because their family members were the last pure blooded Africans with 100 percent African DNA. Jesus America spent all of his time keeping her safe before he knew these facts because she was an immortal female. The immortals were hunted, and now young were born, and displaced amongst the population more so like mutants. Ever so often when the DNA and genes aligned in a certain way and an anomaly was born. Jesus America was their keeper and their sensei. He found her standing next to her great grandfather three years ago who had just died. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


     There once was a village named Agedo, not too far from the river. The village is a very peaceful village and was ruled by the village chief Ajaka. Ajaka was a fair and just man, who administered equality and fairness throughout the village. Ajaka knew how to settle disputes involving lands, families and other things that bordered the villagers. One day, a grumpy looking elder named Dotun came to Ajaka with a land dispute, he had with his younger brother. After Ajaka listened to both of them, he found that Dotun was wrong and the land belong to his younger brother. So Ajaka handed over the land to Dotun’s younger brother. Dotun who brought the case to Ajaka, thinking he would favor him was mad with rage. He protested and protested, but the decision had already been made. Dotun did not forget what happened. He kept on thinking of a plan to get back at Ajaka. Until finally Dotun decided to visit the river gods. “Send Madness to Ajaka, and make me the village chief,” Dotun said to the river gods.“What will you give us?” The River gods asked in return.“I will sacrifice one goat daily to you,” Dotun said in desperation. “We will accept, but should you fail to deliver, you will lose your power and Ajaka will be sane again” The river gods replied. Dotun was very happy, “the first thing I will do, is get my land back from that foolish brother of mine,” Dotun said to himself as he left the river. Meanwhile, a little young boy named Kunle watched all that had transpired between Dotun and the river gods. Soon Ajaka went mad and started ripping his clothes apart and eating from the dustbin. People were so scared that the gods were angry and in their fear, they all made Dotun the new chief. Dotun wasted no time, he immediately collected his brother’s land and reviewed the tax laws. The new tax laws were so heavy, that the villagers labored every day and still could not feed their family. When Kunle’s parents could not feed him well again, Kunle knew all was not well and he had to do something. Kunle called all his friends together and they made a plan. One by one they hid all the goats in the village. The next day when it was time for Dotun to make his daily goat sacrifice, all the goats were gone. Dotun ransacked the whole village but there was no goat. Kunle and his friend had carefully hid them where no one could find them.
Slowly the day passed, and Dotun missed his sacrifice. The river gods got really pissed and made Dotun mad. Ajaka got his sanity back and became chief again. Justice was restored in Agedo village and Dotun the mad elder was banished to the evil forest.





Sunday, February 11, 2018

Jesus America


        Jesus America was last and best of the immortals. Each immortal was tasked with extending their lines. He had a gift with young children so he always had young immortals to raise or otherwise. He was born of two mortals and it would not be long before he was mortal again himself. He was a sensei and everyone used mercenaries in these times for deeds and misdeeds. It was the only way he could survive. Jesus America looked around again confused, it was the hot dry sun. The scene was bright, too bright, hazy, and dusty. It was time again. Time was slow at once then moved fast too fast. Everything seemed hopeless. The earth was almost lost to him. Can you imagine the Earth and time lost to an immortal? He could not leave and go to his other home like the others. He was stuck here in this barren parched space of nothing. One minute it was at the beginning of a month, the next the end of the same month. Before long it was the end of a season. As if he was standing still in  some sort of vortex. This had been happening for a while, it was how it all started. It was one season after the Pacific War, it felt like ages ago.  He looked down, at his feet were children, they were immortal. He had to be careful. Immortals could sense each other. He was the mastermind behind the immortal serum and was always looking over his shoulder for his old boss Alexandra Steele. She was the least of his worries.  He could feel  and sense their essence........ maybe he wasn’t finished after all.

He was tasked with raising young immortals. Children were drawn to him.  He was a sensei after all. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Neptune 2 Crew

Most of crew consisted of former naval officers. Brett was in charge of a 16 year old female who graduated Naval academy at fifteen. The ship was staffed with former  and retired Olympians and  international Naval officers.  Brent Matthews recruited Dr. Livingstone as a fellow Oceanographer to come with him. 
      Taylor Matthews could not help but to think of her ex-husband as she stared out the observation window out to sea. Brett had golden and sandy hair with streaks of dark brown hair and blue eyes. Brett could not help but to think of what brass always said about her and the other half he knew. She would tell the truth up to a point, do enough just to get by, survive to fight another day. She was career military and his ex-wife. They were legally separated but still married. She was mad because Brett wanted a divorce but came back to her quickly at night. In fact he could not sleep without her. She had caramel skin and caramel hair and eyes as dark as marbles. She was the best engineer in the fleet they said to her. His other staff member was Angel Martinez and the best doctor in the fleet. Angel was a ladies man. Brett and Angel were mortal enemies, but would come through and do something nice once in a while. Both would save the day. Angel knew every inch of the old Naval and submarine fleet.

Angel Martinez

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Neptune 2 New Species


      This parallel universe was a world of endless oceans that reached up to the sunny sky. This world was occupied by three different species. The Sunari were a prey race of sea dwellers. They resembled the sunfish but their bodies had evolved over time. They were bipedal with a fish like appearance. Their faces looked like the sun fish. They were very large and bred into bipedal animals by the Rocorapters. Sunari were great spies and good with information. Sunari  lived all over the world and moved from one side of the world to another very  quickly. They were once hunted to extinction by the Rocorapter. The Rocorapters were dinosaurs that evolved into an intelligent advanced reptile species. After it was revealed that the Rocorapters were distant cousins to the Sunari and it was prohibited to eat them, and the Sunari were kept as slaves for decades. The Sunari were freed by the humanoid race named Glazier. The Glaziers had a bubble like appearance which made them appear invisible as they swam through the ocean. Both were always at war with the Sunari caught in the middle.

Thursday, January 11, 2018



      Harrison Jack Chow exhibits an explosive personality  that always comes in at the end to win the case. He works with an Aramis Assante. She works as a detective for cases all over the world. She is very quiet and makes the arrest at interrogation. Both work undercover and always conclude the case in the judge’s chambers. Both work for the US attorney’s office. This pilot centers on an international ring in which begins with an adopted foreign national from an American University. It then moves to International counterfeiting and the adoption industry.