Lucier named himself Lucious and his daughter Ariel. Ariel appeared as a young girl as a red head to an adult with red eye brows, red clothes, pink hair, and with deep purple eyes. The archangels did not know how she was conjured or who was her mother. When they fell the angels bred with humans, and their angel time always wound in circles in heaven. Twenty years on Earth was less or more of reality. She could be a little girl, woman, or both. The vibe and atmosphere surrounding the psychic was enough for Michael. When they left her store in Tel Aviv they knew Ariel was near. Michael was infuriated, it was because his signals were blurred, and all that Lucifer had planned had fallen into place. They did not know where she was but all of the signs began. So the archangels began to search for the Anti Christ, and she was female.
Lucifer gave her an Angel name. When Michael heard of this he became even more angry. At least Lucifer was worthy of an angel name. She was more than a Nephilim. He treated her as offspring and flesh. Lucifer conjured Ariel of magic but she was and of blood and bones. She lived with her father, and he took the shape of a snake. She lived amongst many snakes disguised and some appeared to be demons. It was actually one snake Lucifer, who came and went from her apartment at will, and of course she could not control her father. But she was his little princess, and he would give her a kingdom of snakes and demons.
God locked Lucifer in the form of a dragon. He appeared as red boa with yellow eyes that wrapped around his daughter and would not let go of her. He would latch on to her wrist or ankle at times when he needed attention. Her boa slept above her bed. He appeared as a large cobra, black as much as 12 foot long with red eyes that shocked even Ariel at times. He morphed and reigned in Hell as red lizard 6 foot tall, with horns. He rode to her rescue as the dragon that conquered all of Hell which his daughter rode at times. He also appeared as a male with red and blonde hair that knocked at her door.
Lucifer did not want consensus, he wanted followers. He wanted to rule, and did not care to hear what they had to say. Most of the time he appeared to listen to baby dragon but quickly dismissed what she had to say. Lucifer wanted to be in charge in Heaven. He thought he was the smartest and the best, and of course was to be the most beautiful. He tricked Ramiel into writing a contract that would exchange his place with Michael. This would give him all the keys to all the world as well as heaven and all of its realm. Mekaton knew something was wrong with the contract, it was cloaked in magic, but Ramiel would not listen. Ramiel thought he could lock Lucifer into his place in the corp. Lucifer went too far, and tried to appear and be Michael, not just take his position and keys. Lucifer could not take control of Michael or his powers, and therefore all the horns sounded all over heaven, Michael was left unconscious and all the worlds unlocked and open! At the end Michael could not hurt her, he drew his sword. " No, " they called. "You should have killed me when you could," she mocked, then she was gone,,and left only pink smoke behind.