Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Corporate Takeover

Corporate Takeover-Drama (2006 WGA) 1261167
Corporate takeover is a high stakes game of corporate business, where billionaires wage war on each other in the media, boardroom, and through the stock market. An American lawyer acquires businesses and rips them apart for a living, but she’s caught off her game when she meets a British rival across the pond who turns the tables on her.

Alexander And The Insects

Alexander made insects impervious to aging and disease, but what if he made them the carriers. Kristen Grigori knew Alexandra Steele could help her. Alexandra was known to all as the Mistress of Aging. Alexandra had patents for the hypothalamus nano-implant and six nuero protectors, that everyone now needed. No one could stop her. The robotics industry tried, but she bought them out. She was a brilliant scientist who hated aging. It was not uncommon to see her in different times and dimensions. Yet she swore she was not an immortal. She tried to move in silence.  it sometimes did not work, but did sometimes.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

David Golem

David Golem was Jewish born of two Jews. He was orphaned from the age of two. His parents died in what was a suspicious car wreck. David was eight years old and had knowledge of the ages. Jesus America looked at him and smiled. He sometimes was overwhelmed, he thought he needed a nanny. He sometimes wondered how he would make it and why he was tasked with the care of these children. Then he knew why. They were all miraculous, powerful, and unique. Andrew had pure DNA and both his parents of the House of David. How this was known, he did not know or wanted to know. These immortals usually had more than one secret power. He knew of all the religions and knew enough to fear them. Jesus America had to hide David from those who knew and did not know. This was his destiny.