Thursday, November 16, 2017



I am the origin

Of civilization

My daughters,Nefertiti,Cleopatra, Hatsheput!

So surreal, so eminent

Men could only fall at their feet, call them queen!

He worships me,

Prizes me so

Bonparte will

Conquer or obstruct,

At my mere whis-per.

In England, I am so supreme,

So cunning, that  kings

Would change the church:

Relinquish their thrones just for Me.

I am so magnificent, sublime.

Princess my first name

Grace, my second, and Monaco my domain.

In the east, I am an adornment,

A treasure, so respected, valued. That cannot be forsaken,

If I had been a dutiful wife

Following my husband’s wishes

My people would not have known

The wealth of the new world.

In the new World,

The Europeans came, Chaos it became

My sisters, Pocohontas and Rosa Parks

Shaped it , called it Liberty.

I am as unpredictable, intricate,

Complex, as the most perplexing Puzzle.

My gameboard the Universe.
Copyright  2015-2019






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