Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Mercenary


The Mercenary

She needed money and big money at that. She answered an ad. The next week after she moved to New York. It was to be a surrogate for a gay couple. When she arrived at the home they explained that they were not married. She agreed but said she would be the mother and the father would only be one of them. They agreed, Mark decided he would be the child’s father. Mark was a doctor and as time went on she knew she was attracted to him as he to her.

Their daughter was born and soon she would take another assignment. This time the man wanted artificial insemination, but she would be the mother. She agreed, and would only meet him after their son Grant was born. However when he met her he was attracted to her as well. She sent Grant to vacation with his grandparents and at this time she decided to get a mommy make over.

Both were the same body type, she slept with both men and she was very happy. She had a son and a daughter with each. There was no white picket fence in this and no way forward. Neither were marriage material. Yet she was very happy. She accepted this once she was able to let go of her old hang ups. It was easy because of her new life as a therapist.

Over the course of two years she had a relationship with both men. The partner left Mark incensed and betrayed. Marks feelings grew more and more intense for her. He was jealous of the Mercenary because he made over 10 million per year and gave her lavish gifts.

The doctor came to take care of her. The mercenary sent his parents to collect Grant for a holiday. The mercenary called to say he was coming one day. The doctor elegantly excused himself and took his daughter. He knew this could not continue.
He never thought he would compete with a man richer than himself for anything. He was convinced once the Mercenary came to his senses he would kill him first.

When the Mercenary arrived home he was wound up as always as a Sex Therapist, she tried to calm him using sex of course. I love you she said. He woke with his head on her chest. She heard a gun shot and he fell over on her. She was both stunned and saddened. She always wanted a monogamous relationship and now she had one. She loved, wanted, and had them both or this was love.

The Mercenary’s mother and father walk into the morgue. His face was shot off. They weren’t sure if it was him or not. They feared for their grandson Grant. They knew they would never see him again. Their hearts filled with hate, how could she do this to him., them, but she was missing. After surviving three wars was this what became of their son.

But was this their son. They found blood and hair from the scene. The doctor, the partner and the mercenary had the same hair color and blood type. The partner had a bone marrow transplant, and the doctor assumed his identity. They rarely saw their son, and the diabetic implant he had was gone. It had to be the doctor, they sobbed.

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